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7 avril 2009

Spécial Pâques

2000 ans plus tôt…

Il y eut un jeune homme qui naquit dans un village obscur.

Enfant d’une paysanne, il grandit dans un autre village.

Il travailla dans un atelier de menuiserie jusqu’à l’âge de trente ans.

Après quoi il fut prédicateur itinérant pendant trois ans.

Il n’écrivit jamais de livre.

Il ne remplit jamais de fonction.

Il ne posséda jamais de maison.

Il n’eut jamais d’enfants.

Il n’alla jamais à l’université.

Il ne voyagea jamais à plus de 300 kilomètre de la place où il fut né.

Il ne fit aucune des choses que l’on associe généralement à la grandeur.

Il ne possédait pas de lettres de créances, sauf lui-même.

Quand il était encore jeune homme, le courant de l’opinion publique se tourna contre lui.

Ses amis s’enfuirent.

On le livra à ses ennemis.

Il a dû subir la moquerie pendant un procès.

Il fut cloué à une croix entre deux brigands.

Pendant qu’il mourrait, ses bourreaux tirèrent au sort pour savoir à qui iraient

les seuls biens qu’il possédait au monde : ses vêtements.

Quand il fut mort, ses amis déposèrent son corps dans un sépulcre emprunté.



2000 ans plus tard…

Vingt siècles se sont écoulés,

et aujourd’hui il est le personnage central de l’espèce humaine.

Toutes les armées qui ont marché, et toutes les marines qui ont parcouru les mers

et tous les parlements qui ont délibéré et tous les rois qui ont régné,

pris dans leur ensemble, n’ont jamais affecté la vie de l’homme sur cette terre

comme a pu le faire la vie solitaire de cet homme.

Video traduit en français!



07. Carry My Cross

Wherever You Are
by Third Day


As long as I remember
I’ve been walking through the wilderness
Praying to the Father
And waiting for my time
I’ve come here with a mission
And soon I’ll give my life for this world

I’m praying in the garden
And I’m looking for a miracle
I find the journey hard but
It’s the reason I was born
Can this cup be passed on
Lord, I pray your will be done
In this world

So I’ll carry my cross
And I’ll carry the shame
To the end of the road
Through the struggle and pain
And I’ll do it for love
No, it won’t be in vain
Yes, I’ll carry my cross
And I’ll carry the shame

I feel like I’m alone here
And I’m treated like a criminal
The time has come for me now
Even though I’ve done no wrong
Father, please forgive them
They know not what they’ve done
In this world

Three more days and I’ll be coming back again
Three more days and I’ll be coming back again

Words by Mac Powell / music by Third Day / © 2005 Consuming Fire Music (ASCAP).  All rights administered by EMI CMG Publishing.

Behind the Song:
'We all have crosses to carry. Maybe it's the guilt of sin. Maybe it's a loss or temptation. Maybe it's a personal or emotional affliction. The weight of those burdens can keep us paralyzed. Jesus carries them for us. But that's not all. Though we will always have struggles, God gives us not just another burden. God gives us a yolk that is light. We can side up with His kingdom and be a part of the incredible tale of human history with a unique and meaningful purpose.' - Tai Anderson (Third Day)


06. Thief

Third Day
by Third Day


I am a thief, I am a murderer
Walking up this lonely hill
What have I done? I don't remember
No one knows just how I feel
and I know that my time is coming soon.
It's been so long. Oh, such a long time
Since I've lived with peace and rest
Now I am here, my destination
guess things work for the best
and I know that my time is coming soon
Who is this man? This man beside me
They call the King of the Jews
They don't believe that He's the Messiah
But, somehow I know it's true.
And they laugh at Him in mockery,
and beat Him till he bleeds
They nail Him to the rugged cross,
and raise Him, they raise Him up next to me
My time has come, I'm slowly fading
I deserve what I receive
Jesus when You are in Your kingdom
Could You please remember me
and He looks at me still holding on
the tears fall from His eyes
He says I tell the truth
Today, you will live with Me in paradise
and I know that my time is coming soon
and I know paradise is coming soon.

Lyrics & Music by Mac Powell / ©1995 Class Reunion Music / Little Man Big Music / gray dot songs, a div. of gray dot, inc. / ASCAP All Rights Reserved. Used by Permission.

